13.10., Happiness at Work vs Community
Let's get your business moving
Get new flexibility into your company without having to completely change its system. By combining the creative potential of "chaos" and the power of "order", we will create new energy in your teams, which will also rely on the benefits of a large organization. I can help your people and management, organizational system and corporate culture.
In large organizations, energy is sometimes lost, processes dominate, room for initiative shrinks, and hierarchies slow down decision-making. Rigid companies are slow to respond to the complex world, they are not very innovative and become inattractive for employees.
A change is needed.
Start to leverage communities
Thanks to 15 years of my community experience on the Czech and international scene, I can help kick off your community initiatives or bring them to a new level. Let's evaluate together the potential benefits of the community for your project, get even a global community moving, capture the energy of internal networks and set up a way to manage and administer these projects.
People loosely connected via a common interest in communities create great things, educate or help get the word about your business out. Internal corporate communities allow you to work with people in a newly motivating and evolving way, while external communities increase the impact of your product or service. No company actually is without a community - just maybe it doesn't know about it yet...
Two hours to several days of interactive joint work, online or in person. We will upskill a group of up to 15 people to tackle new initiatives and gain new attitudes and skills.
Webinar or live talks or keynotes for larger groups. I deliver them as experience-packed lectures that will give your people energy - and some chunky food for thought.
I will help design a solution or system and its implementation. I can also be involved in the process of onboarding or selecting people who will continue to work with the solution.
Individual meetings in which we work together to address your specific needs, or in which I guide you in sorting out your thoughts about the development of your team or organization.
I base my work with you on practice and I always prepare tailor made solutions to match your needs. Clients appreciate my human and "no b*shit" approach and my ability to think out of the box. I also always aim to walk as direct a journey as possible to reach your goals and make myself eventually redundant.
Let's talk about options, availability and prices.
Team of Teams: Mezitýmová spolupráce a agilní myšlení
Jak i do vysoce organizovaných firem dostat energii a podpořit tak rozhodování zdola, schopnost rychlé reakce a mezitýmovou spolupráci.
Zjednodušení procesů a posílení kultury důvěry a odpovědnosti
Nástroje pro podporu samo-organizovanosti a posun rozhodování “dolů”
Zvýšení spolupráce mezi týmy díky způsobu tvorby projektů a mezitýmovým rozhraním
Zvýšení osobní iniciativy díky způsobu zadávání cílů, hodnocení výkonu a kariérního systému
Nábor a rozvoj lidí vhodných pro agilní kulturu
Nezbytné hodnoty firemní kultury a jejich podpora
Rychlé rozhodování a projekty, manažer jako strážce hracího pole, OKRs
Jak posílit autonomii a rozhodování zdola, při zvýšení zodpovědnosti a pocitu vlastnictví, a jakou roli v tom hrají správně nastavené cíle (třeba jako OKRs) a hodnocení?
Správné nastavení cílů, vyhodnocení a ocenění
výkonu (možno navázat i na OKR metodiku) -
Posílení rozhodování a iniciativ zdola
Posílení akceschopnosti lidí a míry vlastnictví jejich projektů
Posun role manažera od “hybatele všeho” ke “strážci hracího pole”
Nastavení cílů a hodnocení lidí pro motivace k aktivitě a zodpovědnosti
Posílení kreativity, inovativnosti a designového myšlení
Využití komunit a kounitních principů
Jak využít volně organizovaná společenství lidí kolem vaší organizace
i uvnitř, jak je rozjet, řídit a rozvíjet? Jak postavit firmu na komunitních principech?
Typy komunit, jejich silné a slabé stránky
Zhodoncení potenciálu interních nebo externích
komunit pro váš záměr -
Design identity, struktury a správy / financování komunit
Rozjezd komunit, jeho fáze
Řízení komunit, práce s lidmi v komunitě, práce s komunitními leadery
Vedení komunitního programu ve firmě, nezbytné role, metriky
Motivující a inovující týmy
Jak vést svůj tým jako kmen nebo komunitu -
aby byl výkonný a tvořivý,
a zároveň inspiroval vzájemnou spolupráci, důvěru a sdílení?
Psychologické bezpečí” jako 50% úspěchu nejvýkonnějších týmů
Další faktory efektivních týmů týkající se sdílení,
vzájemné spolupráce -
Rozvoj kultury sdílení a vzájemné komunikace
Role smyslu a viditelného dopadu práce
Týmový duch a kultura - třeba i při remote spolupráci
Pestrost ve složení týmů jako konkurenční výhoda
In the following general areas we can work together in mentoring, I can design a workshop for your team or I may consult how you to navigate them to move your company's system or culture forward.
I am a practitioner with years of international experience, enriched with various theoretical concepts in my toolbox. During 13 years as a Google global program manager and then in consulting other companies, I learned how even a large organization can operate using the principles of self-management and agility, or how a small company can grow without losing its creative DNA. I am at home in community work: I have been creating, leading or advising communities since 2005. Among else, I founded and helped grow the world's largest IT meetup network (Google Developer Groups) and ran other global community developer programs at Google for 7 years.
In the past, I have co-created and led several technology companies in the USA and the Czech Republic, such as one of the first e-learning platforms (WebStudy) or ride-sharing tools (Rideseek.net). I worked with teachers, educated in experiential learning and published books and translations and I led community programs in context of social and non profit organizations.
The basis for all this was provided by a master's degree in HR Management in the USA (West Chester University) and a bachelor's degree in sociology from Charles University.
Jana Konečná
“The Collaboration lecture was very positively received. Colleagues emphasized the lecturer's many years of experience and the insights they got into cooperation in other organizations. "
Ondrej Zaoral
"That thing that separates good and great trainers: practical experience. Dan lives and works the way he teaches. His trainings are incredibly catchy case studies of his work style. It was a pleasure both taking part in his communication training and working with him on the Prague Wikinomics Forum."
Denisa Petrusková
"Dan has allowed us to see a contstant change through the lens of opportunity, not just survival. The seminar participants highly valued its high energy, authenticity, insights and inspiring approach to team management and work with error."
Fady al Kheir
"Working with Daniel was a great experience. He has deep insights in social behavior, motivation and a solid tech backround. He applies all that in a way that infects people with passion. His high level of integrity, talent to inspire and "only the best possible" ethics make him a real gamechanger."
I am honored to have worked with more than 20 organizations recently, either directly or in partnership with
ELAI or Business Provocation agencies.
As a mentor, I help startups in two acceleration programs.